Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm Back!

Well, I made it back yesterday after being gone all weekend. It was so fun to spend the weekend with my cousin, Vicky. She's about 10 years older than me, and I've always looked up to her and loved her to death. But until we both had kids we didnt have a whole lot in common. Now we talk all the time and its been so fun getting to know her better. I got there Thursday night and we got one of the cakes baked and cooled. The next day we got the rest of the cakes baked, cooled, and filled. We got some of the cookies done too. Then Saturday we spent allllll day decorating cakes, finishing up cookies, and wondering what in the world we had gotten ourselves into. LOL I didnt get good pics of the cakes so as soon as Vicky sends them to me I'll post some. Her little guy Alex is such a cutie. He's sooo happy! It was so funny to see Oliver as the "big boy" with a little one following him around. Oliver is the youngest cousin on both sides of our family so this was a definite change. It was a very tiring weekend, though, and I'm glad to be home.

Oliver has been in a crabby mood all day today. I took him to the chiropractor and thankfully his ears look great so it must just be teething. The adjustment should help some with that, thank goodness. Jay just took Oliver ouside for awhile cos I am just tired. Plus Oliver took a late nap today so he isnt going to be ready for bed for a bit yet.

When we got home yesterday Jay had a surprise for us. He bought Oliver a toddler bed to put in our room. :-D yay!! We can convert his crib into a toddler bed, but since Oliver has slept with us since he was 8 days old, I'm not exactly counting on putting him in his own room anytime too soon. I'd been wanting a bed for him in our room so I was thrilled to see it. Oliver seemed to think it was pretty cool to have his own little bed. It took some soothing to get him to sleep but he finally fell asleep in there last night and slept about 5 hours before waking up! He woke up around 3 a.m. so I just brought him back into bed with us. I'm not worried about pushing him into sleeping by himself. We have dedicated nearly 2 years to night time parenting, so I'm not going to throw all that out by pushing him to sleep by himself before he's ready. Here's a picture we got after he fell asleep. How cute is this?!

1 comment:

  1. Cutie pie! And hey...that's awesome that he made it to 3am in his bed! Nicholas was in mine by 1am last night, and he is 4! Some kids just really prefer the close comfort of mom & dad. Erik prefers to be alone...he's maybe slept in our bed 3 or 4 times EVER and not since he was an itty bitty.
