Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sleep (or lack thereof)

Last night I had big ambitions to bake.  I sat down about 10:30...and never got back up.  An hour later I realized it was just not going to happen.  So I turned off the oven that I had pre-heated, got myself ready for bed, and laid down...and laid there.  And laid there.  At one point, I put earplugs in to block out the snoring coming from both Jay and Oliver, lol.  Then I took the earplugs out.  I put another blanket on...and took it off.  I got up to go to the bathroom.  I cuddled with Oliver.  I turned over and let him lay however he wanted. 

Jay's alarm goes off, and I still had not fallen asleep.  Are you freaking kidding me?  It was 5:00 a.m. and I was still awake.  Soon after that Oliver woke up.  We got up and changed his diaper and got him a sippy with water.  We laid back down and I text my mom who had just gotten to work.  She couldn't believe I was still awake.  We both finally fell asleep around 7 a.m. I woke up on and off and Oliver finally woke up at 9:20ish.  So I got about 2 hours of very broken sleep.  Let's just say I was counting down to naptime from the minute I got up.

But the day went ok.  I even made it to the park with Oliver for half an hour of good play time.  By 1:45, Oliver was ready for a nap and so was I.  Thankfully, he fell asleep quickly and so did I.

I got a better nap than I did an entire night's sleep.

For tonight I did manage to get 5 dozen cookies baked and 2 dozen outlined and ready to decorate tomorrow.  Thankfully the cookies aren't hard to decorate so I'm not worried about getting them done for Friday.

Off to bed I go. I just took some sinus meds that will probably make me sleepy.  I must get sleep tonight.  I will not be able to function tomorrow if I miss another night's sleep.

Here's to hoping for a good night's sleep...  ::fingers crossed::

1 comment:

  1. Lyndsey, I am excited. I was so happy to buy a new bassinet. Our other one was worn out. I can't wait to take his pic in it... "If" I ever lay him down lol.

    Hope you have been sleeping better, That is no fun. How is everyone? Blessings,
